I am writing this with sadness in my heart, because writing about politics is a passion of mine, but I wanted to let my readers know that I didn’t make this decision lightly. As some of you know, I have incurable squamous cell carcinoma, this election was of such consequence to the well-being of the […]

Someone, anyone take Trump’s phone away from him! He needs to start practicing restraint now, long before Jan. 20th. We don’t need a President who spends his nights tweeting outrageous lies, corporate media do your constitutionally mandated job! It is getting very annoying for those of us who prefer fact over fiction. Read the article: […]

That’s it, I have had it with our corporate media who can’t hold someone to basic standards after he was elected President. President Elect Trump’s tweet was fact checked and it’s a blatant lie. I have the solution: since we Democrats have our candidate, who to date has won 2.2 million more votes than Trump, […]

President Obama please take a stand in solidarity with those at Standing Rock. I realize you are very busy, but this matters to so many who have been ignored. Moreover President Elect Trump has a financial stake in the pipeline going through, that should be enough to issue an executive order I would think. We […]

Fidel Castro will long be remembered in history for his unbelievably complicated worldview. I have to admire the part of his economic policies that provided universal healthcare and education despite being edged out by powerful U.S economic embargoes. I am not as informed on Castro in part because I don’t trust American journalistic objectivity, I […]

Trump Elect must be every environmentalist’s nightmare, from the oozing tar sands flooding your room from under the bed to the sixth extinction creating a dead zone in your closet. Environmental science is so sexy right now, how can we have a stupid party that demands respect, even when there is no respect to be […]

What is happening in North Dakota reveals the extent and depth of our problems, our corporate media has shamelessly fallen down on the job of actual reporting, the Obama administration should have been more aggressive in its protection of the Indigenous people, our legislative body has failed in its responsibilities for staffing our judicial system […]

Why is it that for every step forward, something happens to propel the movement a few steps back? I can only imagine how frustrated the Obama administration must feel by these challenges and injunctions, however as we have seen during these past eight years, our President conducts himself alongside his administration with grace and dignity […]

We need to demand more from our news organizations, we should mandate that they refuse to treat the Trump transition as normal because it isn’t, Trump’s picks are the bottom of the barrrel in terms of common decency and I am angry anytime a news anchor speaks to the Obama transition, those days were hopeful […]

Chuck Schumer is a Wall Street democrat, but I think he even realizes how hollow Wall Street is to the values of your average American. He has to be smart and embrace Bernie, Warren, Sherrod Brown and Al Franken, Schumer needs a strong phalanx of working people democrats to hold off the deregulation and tax […]