Monthly Archives: September 2012

Mitt Romney, On 60 Minutes, Cites Emergency Room As Health Care Option For Uninsured

This is precisely why Romney isn’t fit to govern as President, his pandering to the far right negates everything he may have stood for prior to 2008. One of the main drivers of premium costs for health insurance are those millions of uninsured who are forced to use the Emergency rooms as their primary care. […]

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Romney finally spoke the truth because he was speaking in a safe place amongst his peers, or so he thought, and I have to say that he felt incredibly secure because he was stating those sentiments in front of the wait staff. Wait staff who could easily be in the 47%. That takes a level […]

Friday Talking Points — Smile, Mitt, You’re on Candid Camera!

Chris, wonderful article. It is interesting that Romney can’t even go on television to plead his case to the American people and President Obama went on Letterman and is scheduled to go on the View. Romney has repeatedly been asked to appear on both shows but he and Anne must be very uncomfortable being asked […]

Mitt Romney: Closeted Redistributionist

It is very hard to take anything that the right says seriously anymore. Redistribution is the latest conspiracy shiny object enthralling the Hannity’s, Milkin’s and O’Reilly’s on Fox news. The problem I think lies in the fact that these three people don’t read much, I don’t think that they truly understand what socialism means. Redistribution […]

Krugman: GOP ‘Doesn’t Have Much Respect For People Who Work For Other People’

The republican party of today reminds me of the two periods in our history, that of the 1890’s and the 1920’s, when the uber-wealthy paid little in taxes, speculation ran rampant and the laissez-faire capitalism drove the economy to the brink both times. It was through government intervention that the economy came back into balance […]

Senate Republicans Shaft the Vets

The republican senators should be ashamed of themselves, historically they have always supposedly been the party that stands for the military yet when our veterans need help and support the republicans come together to block a bill that could provide relief to the men and women back home from the wars, for shame. I am […]

Why Are Republicans Complaining About The 47 Percent?

I believe that Romney and Bachmann and the other tea party republicans have taken the republican brand in name only. They have abandoned the historic principles of the Grand Old Party and they shouldn’t be allowed to call others RINO’s, they are the true RINO’s. Essentially Romney and his colleagues are angry that w,e the […]

Mitt Romney on How the Other 47 Percent Lives

How many in our country are living paycheck to paycheck and one emergency could throw the family into a tailspin? How many of those have been forced intro those circumstances by the casino like gambling on Wall Street and the havoc it wreaked on our economy in 2008? Moreover how many manufacturing jobs have been […]

Mr. Romney, Have You Seen the 47 Percent?

Romney is revealing not only his CEO mentality during his campaign but also the gated wealthy mentality as well. By that I mean that he lives in a different reality then the rest of us and he is very cognizant of that difference. His class fundamentally believe that they do not use government services whatsoever […]

Mr. Romney, Have You Seen the 47 Percent?

Romney, in my opinion sees the Presidency as another version of his position as C.E.O at Bain Capital and his job is to cater to the interests of the investors rather than the employees and we have seen example upon example of his tactics in terms of loading down companies that Bain acquired with debt, […]