Monthly Archives: July 2012

Barack Obama And Bush Tax Cuts: Moving Quickly To Shape Coming Debate

The democrats need stay on message and stand together with the narrative that has been given much weight by historical data, that the Bush tax cuts, especially for the wealthy are a primary driver of our federal deficits. They also need to communicate decisively that the continuation of the middle class tax cuts are vital […]

Republican Jobs Bills Won’t Actually Create Jobs, Say Economists

This 112th congress, especially the house, cannot run away from the do-nothing obstructionist reputation it has apparently worked hard to attain. The house to blame the senate for the dearth in legislation, do they forget that their republican colleagues could well be in the Guiness Book of records for the amount of filibustering they have […]

Losing On Gun Control

Chris, I think that it was Saturday that I wrote that I didn’t expect President Obama to make any real political speeches over the issue of generating new laws regarding gun control simply because just be virtue of being elected, the anti-Obama camp went hog wild purchasing guns and ammo just in case our President […]

Obama Goof, Or Republican Lie?

In my opinion, the Romney camp and company know very well that President Obama meant the roads and bridges, but they are counting on the fact that most people work to hard to come home and fact check on their own so the Romney camp and company know with 100 percent certainty that the mainstream […]

Barack Obama’s Gun Control Plan Focuses On ‘Existing Law’

Honestly, in this instance of gun control, this is when you see the true nature of the power of a rich lobby in all of its naked glory. The NRA has more or less written and decided all legislation regarding gun rights. Unfortunately advocates of gun control have never successfully mounted a lobby group even […]

Michele Bachmann’s ‘Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theories’ Condemned By Anti-Defamation League

It is an election year I am guessing that since Michele Bachman with her presidential aspirations, probably didn’t have much time to spend time actually getting work done for her constituents, therefore she needs an issue, designed in her fantastically warped mind, that will show her people that she is in the trenches vigilantly fighting […]

Gun Control: Calls For Tougher Regulations Stir Little Support

I am a resident of Massachusetts, the western part, filled to the gills with hunters and I don’t hear any complaints over the lack of assault weaponry. These are hunters who hunt tostock their freezers and their pantries, venison jerky, the ban on assault weapons hadn’t bothered them. Gun control laws make sense as any […]

Friday Talking Points — Another Sad Day

Chris well written and thoughtfully expressed words of wisdom as usual. Good luck with the hotel. The ADD of the 24 hour news media cycle is certainly the worst environment to properly cover a national tragedy such as what happened in Aurora. The innate panic to immediately respond, blame and speculate ruins the chance for […]

Prediction: Romney Will Not be the Republican Nominee

Either way, there would never be a candidate on the republican side that would be strong enough or confident enough to shrug off the extremists in that party. The whole party has lost its way completely, you cannot talk to them or reason with them, they aren’t capable of caring or of empathy if you […]

Wisconsin Voter ID: Second Judge Blocks Law

I would never have imagined twenty years ago as a political science major at N. Y. U that we would be seeing this large wave of blatant voter suppression throughout the souther and mid western tier of states, all in the name of combatting voter fraud. My professors discussed at length the inherent troubles of […]